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Dataland gets started


d-fine is a partner on the path to a new data economy

"Dataland" stands for open, transparent, and fair access to sustainability data. The new data platform aims to enable financial market participants to make economic decisions based on better data and support the transformation towards a sustainable economy.

"Data ecosystems need to be completely reimagined. With Dataland, an interesting alternative to existing data monopolies is emerging," explains Dr. Egbert Schark, co-founder of d-fine.

Together with other strong partners, d-fine has been supporting the implementation of this initiative from the outset.

Dataland serves as a neutral platform between data users from the financial industry, academia, NGOs, or public institutions, and data owners primarily from the real economy. The data platform follows a collective approach: the value of Dataland increases with the number of actors actively participating. For confidential data, the independent data trustee EuroDaT enables secure and compliant exchange of sensitive content.

Dataland not only benefits data users but also data providers: data provisioning is done efficiently through only one source, while maintaining sovereignty over their own data.

"As an ecosystem, Dataland allows data users, providers, and service providers to engage in efficient, reliable, and fair data exchange tailored to individual needs and capabilities," summarizes Dr. Moritz Kiese, partner at d-fine and interim managing director at Dataland.

Dataland is a subsidiary of the Werte-Stiftung and operates on a nonprofit basis.

Please find our latest press release for download at the top.

Press Contact

Astrid Döring

You're welcome to contact me with your questions.


+49 69 90737-0